Click Here to Register for
all ECMS Activities:

Continuing ECMS students may sign up for
classes, ensembles, and lessons with
their current teacher directly in their
UR Student account:

Paper registration forms available upon request. Contact us here.

Click here for a complete description of ECMS policies, including billing, missed lessons, and refund policies.  

Students who are interested in entering the ECMS Diploma Program should sign up here.

Course Registration

Registration for courses is on a first-come, first-served basis. Priority is given to registrations received at least one month before the beginning of a term. The Community Music School reserves the right to cancel sections of classes with insufficient enrollment. In the event that a class is cancelled, students will be given the opportunity to transfer into another section of the same class, into a different class, or to receive a full refund. Late registrations, when permitted by the instructor, will be billed for the full semester. All music theory classes for grades 7-adult are designed on a full-year curriculum, and no new registrations are accepted after October 1.

By directive of the University of Rochester, all students in the Eastman Community Music School must be registered for any class, ensemble or lesson BEFORE they attend those courses. ECMS faculty are required to take attendance to ensure all of their students are registered – even on the first class/lesson meeting.

Lesson Registration

Priority is always given to students registering at least one month before the beginning of a semester. When studio space permits, students may begin lessons throughout the year. Billing will be prorated to the quarter, half, or three-quarters of the semester, depending on when the student begins.

Each new student requesting lessons will be assigned to an intern or instructor. Requests for a particular teacher will be honored when possible. Once the assignment has been made, the teacher will contact the student directly. The student and teacher will set up a mutually agreed upon lesson time and day at which time the lesson can start. When Community Music School studio enrollments are at capacity, student names may be placed on a waiting list.

If a change of instructor is recommended by the instructor, or desired by a student or parent, the issue should be discussed by instructor and student, and then referred to the Associate Dean.