Faculty A-Z

Michael Anderson 2022
Professor of Musicology
Juliana Athayde
Associate Professor of Violin & Orchestral Repertory (Violin)
Christopher D. Azzara
Professor of Music Teaching and Learning
Matthew BaileyShea
Professor of Music Theory
Assistant Professor of Music Theory
Lindsay Baker
Instructor of Opera
Jonathan Baldo
Professor of English
Kerfala Bangoura
Director of West African Drumming Ensemble
Sylvie Beaudette
Assistant Professor of Chamber Music
Kristina Becker, Humanities
Assistant Professor of German
Edoardo Bellotti
Associate Professor of Harpsichord
Justin Benavidez WBP
Associate Professor of Tuba and Euphonium
Zachary Bernstein, Assistant Professor of Music Theory
Associate Professor of Music Theory
Joella Bitter
Assistant Professor of Anthropology
Marlah Bonner IML
Instructor of Music Leadership
David Bowlin, Violin
Professor of Violin
Bonita Boyd
Professor of Flute
Kathleen Bride
Professor of Harp
Matthew Brown
Professor of Music Theory
Geoffrey Burgess
Instructor of Baroque Oboe
Michael Burritt
Professor of Percussion
Nicole Cabell, Assistant Professor of Voice
Associate Professor of Voice
Jeff Campbell
Professor of Jazz Studies & Contemporary Media
Tony Caramia, Professor of Piano
Professor of Piano
Lisa Caravan
Assistant Professor of Music Teaching and Learning
Octavio Cardenas 2022
Assistant Professor of Opera
Assistant Professor of Collaborative Piano and Chamber Music
Tony Cho Piano
Assistant Professor of Chamber Music and Collaborative Piano
Alan Chow, piano
Professor of Piano
Katherine Ciesinski
Martin E. and Corazon D. Sanders Professor of Voice
Derek Conrod headshot image
Visiting Instructor of Natural Horn
Joshua Conyers VOVC
Assistant Professor of Voice
Maura Corvington
Instructor of Horn
John Covach
Professor of Music Theory
Kathryn Cowdrick
Professor of Voice
Mara Culp, Assistant Professor of Music, Teachin and Learning
Associate Professor of Music, Teaching and Learning
J. Matthew Curlee, Assistant Professor of Music Theory
Assistant Professor of Music Theory
Christina Curren
Vocal Coach
Associate Professor of German & German Lyric Diction
Alison d'Amato
Associate Professor of Vocal Coaching
Ran Dank
Associate Professor of Piano
Patrick Diamond VOVC
Associate Professor of Opera
Steve Doane
Professor of Violoncello
Robert Doran
Affiliate in Music Theory
Jim Doser
Instructor of Arts & Music Leadership
Kiera Duffy VOVC
Associate Professor of Voice
Jeff Dunn IML
Instructor of Arts Leadership
Jonathan Dunsby, Professor of Music Theory
Professor of Music Theory
Rosemary Elliott
Associate Professor of Violoncello
Melina Esse
Associate Professor of Musicology
Filomena Fantarella
Assistant Professor of Italian
Katie Fittipaldi
Instructor of Alexander Technique
Vince Ford image-IML
Instructor of Music Leadership
Bruce Frank
Instructor of Music Theory
Jesse Freedman headshot
Visiting Assistant Professor of Global Musicology
Elinor Freer
Associate Professor of Piano and Chamber Music
Roger Freitas
Professor of Musicology
Lisa Dixon French
Instructor of Music Leadership
Sara Gazarek by Lauren Desberg
Associate Professor of Jazz Voice
Nicholas Goluses
Professor of Guitar
Jeff Gray
Instructor of Orchestral Repertory, Low Brass
Anthony Dean Griffey
Professor of Voice
Tamari Gurevich Hill
Assistant Professor of Piano
Armand Hall, Instructor of Arts Leadership
Instructor of Arts Leadership
Andrew Harley
Associate Professor of Collaborative Piano
Anne Harrow
Associate Professor of Flute & Piccolo
David Higgs, Professor of Organ
Professor of Organ
Mark Hodges
Instructor of Percussion
Douglas Humpherys, Piano
Professor of Piano
Cory Hunter
Assistant Professor of Musicology
Margery Hwang
Assistant Professor of String Chamber Music
Lisa Jakelski
Associate Professor of Musicology
Yoojin Jang
Assistant Professor of Violin
Clay Jenkins, Professor of Jazz Studies & Contemporary Media
Professor of Jazz Studies & Contemporary Media
Christine Jensen 2022
Assistant Professor of Jazz Studies & Contemporary Media
Joe Johnson and cello
Associate Professor of Violoncello
Renee Jolles
Professor of Violin
Sangmi Kang 2022
Assistant Professor of Music Teaching and Learning
Soojin Kang 2022
Assistant Professor of Collaborative Piano
John Kapusta
Assistant Professor of Musicology
Mark Kellog
Professor of Trombone
Lisa Goode Crawford - Professor of Harpsichord
Instructor of Sacred Music
Richard Killmer
Professor of Oboe
Ahirm Kim
Associate Professor of Orchestral Repertory (Violoncello)
Carey Kirkpatrick 2023
Instructor of Arts Leadership
Alexander Kobrin 2022
Professor of Piano
Blaire Koerner
Instructor of Arts & Music Leadership
Mikhail Kopelman
Professor of Violin
Mikel Kuehn
Professor of Composition
Peter Kurau
Professor of Horn
Jennifer Kyker 2022
Associate Professor of Ethnomusicology
Stephen Laifer headshot image
Instructor of Orchestral Repertory (Horn)
Nathan Lam by John Schlia Photography
Assistant Professor of Music Theory
Kara LaMoure 2023
Instructor of Arts Leadership
Jack Langerak
Instructor of Arts Leadership
Nathan Laube image 2024
Associate Professor of Organ
Chien-Kwan Lin
Professor of Saxophone
Marina Lomazov, piano faculty
Professor of Piano
Timothy Long 2024
Associate Professor of Opera
Brad Lubman-Photo©Peter Serling
Professor of Conducting & Ensembles
Ken Luk
Instructor of Gamelan
Irina Lupines 2022
Assistant Professor of Collaborative Piano
Glenn Mackin, Humanities Professor and Chair
Associate Professor of Political Science
Charlotte Marcy
Instructor of French
Sarah Marlowe
Assistant Professor of Music Theory
William Marvin
Associate Professor of Music Theory
Andrew McCandless
Associate Professor of Trumpet
Gaelen McCormick
Instructor of Arts Leadership
Honey Meconi
Professor of Musicology
Landon Morrison
Assistant Professor of Music Theory
Darren Muller, Assistant Professor of Musicology
Associate Professor of Musicology
David Munkittrick, Instructor of Arts Leadership
Instructor of Music Leadership
Jacek Muzyk
Instructor of Horn
Wesley Nance
Instructor, Brass Chamber Music
Joshua Newburger 2022
Assistant Professor of Orchestral Repertory (Viola)
Melissa Ngan 2022
Instructor of Music Leadership
Paul O'Dette
Professor of Lute
Professor of Conducting & Ensembles
Elizabeth Ogonek, Composition
Associate Professor of Composition
Jean Pedersen
Professor of History
Daniel Pesca
Assistant Professor of Composition
Charles Pillow
Assistant Professor of Jazz Saxophone
William Porter - Organ
Professor of Organ
Joseph Rackers
Professor of Piano
Wade Richards
Instructor of Music Teaching and Learning
Dave Rivello
Assistant Professor of Jazz Studies & Contemporary Media
Hamlin Family Director of the Institute for Music Leadership in Honor of James Doser
Charles Ross
Assistant Professor of Timpani
Jamal Rossi
Professor of Woodwinds
Masumi Per Rostad
Associate Professor of Viola
George Sakakeeny
Professor of Bassoon
Evis Sammoutis - Composition
Associate Professor of Composition
Jonathan Sauceda
Associate Dean and Head of the Sibley Music Library
Mark Scatterday
Professor of Conducting & Ensembles
Tim Sheie headshot image
Professor of French
Robin Scott
Associate Professor of Violin
Crystal Seller Battle
Associate Dean of Equity and Inclusion
Kate Sheeran image
Joan and Martin Messinger Dean
Professor of Horn
Philip Silvey headshot 2024
Associate Professor of Music Teaching and Learning
Bob Sneider, Associate Professor of Jazz & Contemporary Media
Associate Professor of Jazz Studies & Contemporary Music
Alden Snell
Associate Professor of Music Teaching and Learning
Wilson Southerland 2022
Assistant Professor of Opera
Reinhild Steingrover
Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs and Professor of German
I Nyoman Suadin
Visiting Associate Professor of Gamelan
Robert Swensen
Professor of Voice
George Taylor
Professor of Viola
David Temperley
Professor of Music Theory
Dariusz Terefenko
Professor of Jazz Studies & Contemporary Media
Loretta Terrigno 2022
Assistant Professor of Music Theory
Christel Theilmann
Assistant Professor of Conducting & Ensembles
Caen Thomason-Redus
Instructor of Music Leadership
Rich Thompson playing drums
Associate Professor of Jazz Studies & Contemporary Media
Dawn Thomson with guitar
Instructor of Vocal Jazz
Brock Tjosvold VOVC
Assistant Professor of Vocal Coaching
Susan Uselmann
Associate Professor of Humanities and English for Academic Purposes
James VanDemark
Professor of Double Bass
Neil Varon
Professor of Conducting & Ensembles
Octavio Vazquez, Composition
Instructor of Composition
Gary Versace
Associate Professor of Jazz Studies & Contemporary Media, Piano
Assistant Professor of Baroque Trumpet
Holly Watkins
Professor of Musicology
Mark Watters
Associate Professor of Contemporary Media & Film Composition
Michael Wayne
Associate Professor of Clarinet
William Weinert
Professor of Conducting & Ensembles
Glenn West
Instructor of Ethnomusicology
Chelsea Whitaker 2022
Assistant Professor of Vocal Coaching
Ying Quartet
Eastman String Quartet
David Ying
Associate Professor of Violoncello
Janet Ying
Associate Professor of String Chamber Music
Phil Ying
Associate Professor of Viola
Priscilla Yuen, Accompanying
Assistant Professor of Collaborative Piano
Larry Zalkind
Professor of Trombone
Ricardo Zohn-Muldoon
Professor of Composition