Class Piano

A message from Tony Caramia,

Coordinator of the Class Piano Program and Professor of Piano

See Schedule for the course offerings for Fall 2024

Congratulations to Federico Ercoli, nominated for the 2023-2024 ESM TA Prize.

August 7, 2023:  with profound sadness, we mourn the passing of Dr. James Lyke, principle author of the Class Piano text used at Eastman.  His teaching legacy has had and will continue to impact on countless students in classrooms throughout the country.  My own association with him can be found in this article from Piano Magazine: A Tribute to James Lyke at Ninety.

As always, if you have any questions, please contact me:

For a view of the two labs used at Eastman, as well as short clips from previous piano classes, click on Piano Fun at Eastman

site updated 7/26/24