Important Information

We recommend that you use a laptop or desktop computer for lessons with an internal camera and microphone. Some students use a tablet as well. Mobile phones are not recommended for lessons because you won’t be able to see your teacher very well  when they demonstrate technique.

If you can get an external microphone for your lessons, it will also help your teacher to hear you better and external speakers might help you to hear your teacher.

You will also need a strong wifi or wired internet (ethernet) connection, good lighting, and a quiet space if possible.

You might want to have a pair of head phones available if your space has a lot of distractions, but remember that you won’t be able to hear yourself as well!

Fall Semester: September 8 – January 22

Spring Semester: January 23 – June 11

View the full ECMS Academic Calendar including holidays and school breaks here

All classes with a listed time are taught in Eastern Standard Time(EST) during the spring and summer and Eastern Daylight Time(EDT) during the fall and winter. This will be the local time in Rochester, NY where we observe daylight savings time.