ECMS Faculty Development Fund

Thanks to the bequest from Mr. Jack Frank, the school has set up a faculty development fund of $10,000 per year for the Community School faculty. Faculty projects must provide a direct benefit to the faculty and the Community School for the improvement of teaching or the additional exposure in the field to attract students or reputation to the school. We encourage you to apply – it is a great way to fund activities that you would not ordinarily be able to do, and is an important benefit that most community schools do not provide.

Individual Projects Description

Any active Community School faculty member may apply for support for a project once every two years (exceptions to the two year requirement will be considered if there are funds remaining). Priority will be given to first time requests and for faculty who are presenting at a conference versus just attending a conference. The upper limit of support will generally be $500, although exceptions may be made based on the benefit of the project. The Associate Dean will approve individual applications, and set appropriate award amounts.

In general, individual projects may include, but are not limited to, performance and teaching opportunities that will spread the name of the school and its faculty, research activities, teaching training workshops, and travel to trade association and other conventions (priority will be given to presenters at these meetings). Past awards have included, but are not limited to: conferences, recording projects and ECMS faculty studying with other ECMS faculty. Each application will be judged based on its own merit. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis and granted in the order they are received. Retroactive applications will be considered only in exceptional cases.

Please complete the Professional Development Application form and return it to the Associate Dean. Click here to download the form.


Date of Application:

Date(s) of the opportunity for which funding is requested:

Total amount of funding requested (itemized budget attached.)

Name or short explanation of opportunity:

Have you previously received Professional Dev. Committee funding?
Circle one: YES NO

If yes, list date(s), project(s) & amount(s) granted:


  • Provide a Detailed Description of the Proposed Project or Activity: (use an additional sheet if necessary)
  • Expectations: What are your desired goals in this project? How will it improve your teaching in the Community Music School or benefit the school in other ways?
  • Budget: Itemize all expenses, the amount sought from the Faculty Development Fund, and outside additional sources of income (Grants will not normally exceed $500)
  • Supporting Materials: Applicants may submit additional materials such as letters showing project-related commitments from institutions, letters from colleagues who will be part of the project, or any other documentation, which may aid the Associate Dean in making a decision.
  • Are you applying for funding for this project from any other source? If so, please indicate: