Current System For ECMS Students Requesting a Change of Teacher

Students Requests a Change of Applied Teacher:This usually happens because a student is in some way unhappy with their current teacher. It may also occur for other reasons such as schedule changes etc. Either way, please refer these students to the director.

  • The director will ascertain the reason for the request to change teacher and also how many times the student has made such a request. In general, (and this rarely happens) up to three changes will be allowed during a student’s time in the ECMS. After that, the student will be steered elsewhere.
  • The director will contact both teachers (past, current and proposed) to discuss the change, hear their concerns and recommend or not recommend the change go forward. It may be determined that a change can be diverted by having the current teacher accommodate the student in some way. If this is the case, the current teacher will discuss the matter with the student/parent and try to continue. If a change is recommended, it is best to make these sorts of changes at the end of a semester, not in the middle of a semester.


Updated: 3/5/2010