The Faculty Artist Series Presents: George Sakakeeny, Bassoon

More Information: For Media Inquiries: Katey Padden (Public Relations and Social Media Coordinator), (585) 274-1052, The Faculty Artist Series presents George Sakakeeny, Professor of Bassoon, on Wednesday, January 29th at 7:30 p.m. in Kilbourn Hall at the Eastman School of Music. Sakakeeny will be joined by pianist Chiao-Wen Cheng, oboist Erik Behr, clarinetist Michael Wayne, Flutist…

William Warfield@100

An Eastman Scholarship Celebrates a Great American Singer   Since it was founded in 1977, the William Warfield Scholarship Fund, Inc. has provided financial aid to more than 35 students at the Eastman School of Music, and spotlighted talented recipients in an annual benefit concert. This year’s William Warfield Scholarship Benefit Concert will be held…

Eastman News Highlights January 6, 2019

Here are some select recent clippings showing the variety of hits/mentions identifying musicians and scholars as Eastman School of Music alumni, faculty or students. (Note: Some links may have expired.)  Eastman Opera to present double-bill (Monroe County Post 12/23/2019)  Eastman Opera Theatre will continue its season with the double-bill of Salieri’s “Prima la musica e…

William Warfield 2020 Benefit Concert Celebrates William Warfield’s 100th Birthday and features Eastman student Jonathan Rhodes, Current Scholarship Recipient

Since it was founded in 1977, the William Warfield Scholarship Fund, Inc. has provided financial aid to more than 35 students at the Eastman School of Music, and spotlighted talented recipients in an annual benefit concert. This year’s benefit concert will be held in the School’s Kilbourn Hall on Sunday, January 12, 2020, at 3…

Eastman 2019: The Year In Pictures

2019 at Eastman is drawing to a close, as always a year of great student and faculty performances, brilliant guest artists, camaraderie, fun, and incredible music. Here are some favorite photos of 2019 moments, including comments by Eastman’s Senior Creative and Design Manager, Michelle Martorell. EWE at Severance Hall On May 7, the Eastman Wind…

Eastman Opera Theatre continues Opera Season

Eastman Opera Theatre is thrilled to continue its season with the double-bill of Salieri’s Prima la musica e poi le parole and Mozart’s Der Schauspieldirektor in the Black Box Theatre (Annex 804), January 25th, 26th, 31st, February 1st, and 2nd. This double-bill will be directed by Ian Silverman, Masters Candidate in Stage Directing, with musical…