Pi Kappa Lambda

Since the aim of the educative process is the stimulation of the student toward the highest level of achievement within his or her capabilities, outstanding accomplishment should be accorded particular recognition. In an attempt to provide such recognition, the Alumni Association of the School of Music at Northwestern University in 1916 appointed a committee to…

2012-2013 Induction Ceremony

UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS Rebekah Carpio Rebekah Carpio is a senior graduating with a BM in clarinet performance and an Arts Leadership Program Certificate. Words cannot express her gratitude for the incredible four years she has experienced at Eastman. She has loved studying with Ken Grant and Jon Manasse, performing with the Philharmonic Orchestra and the Eastman…

Happy Birthday, Ludwig!

  Today, December 16, is an important date in any music school: the birthday of Ludwig van Beethoven (his 243rd, to be exact). Beethoven’s music has always occupied a central place at Eastman; to celebrate the great day, here is a video about the 2012 Eastman Rochester Chorus performance of one of Beethoven’s greatest works,…

Heavenly Sounds

    World music ensembles have been part of Eastman’s offerings since 1993, when the Balinese gamelan ensemble Lila Muni (Heavenly Sound) was formed. A gamelan (pictured on the top) is a communal percussion orchestra native to Bali, which often accompanies dancing or other performance. In 2004, Eastman started its own Zimbabwean mbira ensemble, Mbira dze…