Florencia en el Amazonas Designed Image

Mexican Director Octavio Cardenas Debuts with Eastman’s First-Ever Spanish-Language Opera, Daniel Catán’s “Florencia en el Amazonas”

“Why would Florencia open her arms?” asks director Octavio Cardenas in a recent rehearsal of Daniel Catán’s Florencia en el Amazonas, the first Spanish language opera to be performed by the Eastman Opera Theatre. The opera will run Thursday through Sunday, March 30 to April 2, in Kodak Hall at Eastman Theatre. He instructs the…

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Alexander Laing_Lee Koonce headshots

Alexander Laing to Succeed Lee Koonce as President & Artistic Director of Gateways Music Festival in January 2024

Alexander Laing (photo: Jared Platt) & Lee Koonce (photo: Olubode Brown) Today, in association with Eastman School of Music, Gateways Music Festival – a national organization dedicated to connecting and supporting professional classical musicians of African descent – announced succession plans for its new leadership. The changes are set to begin in July 2023, when…

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Summer@Eastman Spotlight: Summer Jazz Studies

Nearly half a century ago, Eastman pioneered a summer program for jazz musicians. Generations of students from around the nation spent their summers on Gibbs Street making music, making friends, and learning from each other and from Eastman’s faculty. In this blog, we hear from three leaders who significantly contributed to this thriving program and…

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