Music and Movement

Summer@Eastman Spotlight: Music and Movement

By Reginald Bowens, Marketing Assistant for Summer@Eastman Pictured: Ballets Russes production of Darius Milhaud’s Le Train Bleu from June 20, 1924 at the Théâtre des Champs-Élysées in Paris. Stage design: Pablo Picasso and Henri Laurens. Costumes: Coco Chanel. Choreography: Bronislava Nijinska. (Image from Library of Congress) Hello, Friends! As we prepare for Summer Session 2024,…

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Musica Nova

Musica Nova Invites You On a Journey

Since it was established in the 1960s, the mission of Eastman’s Musica Nova ensemble has been to expose Eastman students to hearing and performing the music of their time. The styles of “new music” have changed a lot in nearly 60 years, and the ensemble, under its current director Brad Lubman, has kept pace with…

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Guest Artists at Eastman: January-February 2024

We are excited to welcome a wide-ranging group of guest artists and lecturers to the Eastman campus as we kick off our spring semester! Keep reading for information about each event and visit for further details. Any Eastman Presents series artist who is offering a free masterclass will be included in this list, but…

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2023 at Eastman: A Year in Photographs

Hard to believe that 2023 has come to a close! As we reflect on a year of incredible music-making, inspiring educators, the loss of a few Eastman giants, and the resilience of our community amidst a turbulent world, our photographers are sharing their “behind-the-lens” perspectives on campus activities. Featured here are photographs and comments by Lauren…

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