Toccato Libro Primo

Eastman School of Music Celebrates 400th Anniversary of Legendary Work by Frescobaldi

Two departments at the Eastman School of Music are collaborating on a celebration of the 400th anniversary of the publication Primo Libro di Toccate in 1615 by Girolamo Frescobaldi. The five-day event will include lecture presentations, master classes, and performances of the composer’s seminal work. When Frescobaldi published his “First Book of Toccatas” in 1615,…

A Triumphant Tour

Have you ever dreamed of touring Europe? How about playing in or conducting a touring orchestra? Have you ever dreamed about playing in front of sold-out crowds in theaters with thousands of spectators? Have you ever dreamed of making an award-winning CD? No, this is not a TV ad or a get-rich-quick scheme, it is…

Audition Day Reflections, Part 2

Last week I talked about the Eastman Orientation Committee and how wonderful they were in making my audition very special four years ago. Today I’d like to talk more about the process. Again, the audition period is full of anticipation. Every Friday when I am walking around the Cominsky Promenade I think to myself, “Wow,…

Pathways to Diversity

Top, left to right: University Vice Provost for Faculty Development and Diversity Vivian Lewis; Howard Potter, director of the Eastman Community Music School; President Joel Seligman; middle, l-r: Ruth Cahn, senior instructor of percussion; Diversity Award winner Jan Angus of Eastman Pathways; Anna Maimine of the Eastman School of Music; Diversity Award winner and organization…