History and Possibility

Commencement Remarks Douglas Lowry Joan and Martin Messinger Dean Eastman School of Music 20 May 2012 There’s an old adage in the conducting profession that goes something like this: just as every upbeat prepares a downbeat, every downbeat also prepares the next upbeat. This Commencement bears similar properties. Today, we commemorate your history, your upbeat,…

Talented Young Pianists from Around the Globe Compete at Eastman School for Cash Prizes, Scholarships

In 2002, 18-year-old Hong Xu won second place in the Eastman Young Artists International Piano Competition.  In 2006, the Chinese pianist received his Bachelor of Music degree at the Eastman School of Music. In 2007, the New York Times described Xu as a “technically brilliant, insightful musician of seemingly limitless potential” and BBC Magazine recognized…

Jazz Festival 2012

Eastman Musicians Perform, Teach throughout XRIJF

From a performance by the Eastman Community Music School Jazz Combo on the opening day, June 22, through guitarist Bob Sneider’s final nightly performance wrapping up the festival eight days later, Eastman School of Music faculty, students, and alumni will be appearing throughout the 2012 Xerox Rochester International Jazz Festival. Eastman has been involved in…