Harold Gleason

In his first decade at Eastman, Harold Gleason (1892-1980) maintained a schedule that seemed to leave little time for students. Almost simultaneously, he was George Eastman’s personal organist and director of music at Eastman’s home, founder and director of the David Hochstein Memorial Music School, first head of the organ department at the Eastman School,…

Cecile Genhart

Cecile Genhart (1899-1983), professor of piano from 1926 to 1971, studied piano with Ferruccio Busoni, one of the greatest pianists and composers of her day. She made her debut as a soloist with the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra in 1922. A review in the prestigious Journal of the American Liszt Society placed her among the country’s finest…

Robert Gauldin

Robert Gauldin, professor emeritus of music theory at Eastman, received a bachelor’s degree in composition from North Texas State University in 1953, and a master’s degree and doctorate in theory from Eastman in 1955 and 1958. Born in 1931, Dr. Gauldin began teaching at Eastman in 1963. His other faculty appointments include a professorship of…

Everett Gates

Everett Gates, Professor Emeritus of music education, graduated from the Eastman School with a bachelor’s degree and a performer’s certificate in viola in 1939, and a master’s degree in 1948. He returned to his alma mater as professor of music education in 1958, and was promoted to chair of the department eight years later. Throughout…

Orazio Frugoni

(January 28, 1921 – April 16, 1997) The concert pianist Orazio Frugoni taught at Eastman from 1952 to 1967. He studied with the noted pedagogue Gasparo Scuderi, graduating from Milan Conservatory in 1939. He then studied at the Accademia Chigiana, Siena, with Alfredo Casella, one of the foremost 20th-century Italian composers, and later with Dinu…

Charles Warren Fox

Originally hired in 1932 to teach psychology, Charles Warren Fox (1904-1983) soon was chosen by Director Howard Hanson to become Eastman’s first musicologist. Dr. Fox studied under the eminent musicologist Otto Kinkeldey at Cornell University. His own contributions ranged from writing important papers on the music of the Renaissance to helping found the American Musicological…

Adelin Fermin

Adelin Fermin (1867-1941) was a member of the voice faculty during the earliest years of the Eastman School. Before coming to Eastman in 1921, Mr. Fermin — known to many as “Daddy Fermin” — taught at the Hague and at the Sweelwicks School in his native Holland. He had a very successful performing career in…

Michael Farris

Michael Farris (1957-1999) was an Eastman alumnus and associate professor of organ from 1994 until his untimely death. Born in New Mexico, he received his undergraduate degree from Southern Methodist University and then continued his studies at Indiana University where he earned a master of music degree and a Performer’s Certificate. At Eastman, under the…

Roy Ernst

Roy Ernst, professor emeritus of music education, taught at Eastman for 25 years and chaired the music education department for 12 years. In 1991, Dr. Ernst started the first New Horizons Band at Eastman for the purpose of creating a model program emphasizing entry and reentry points to music making for older adults. Later, he…

Jon Engberg

Jon Engberg has enjoyed a long and prosperous affiliation with the Eastman School, beginning with undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral studies, and culminating in a career as Eastman’s associate director of academic affairs and associate dean of graduate studies from 1975 to 1995. Coming to Eastman in 1950 as a freshman cellist from Los Angeles, he…