Eastman Showcase – 2003

Eastman alumnus wins composer Masterprize December 2003 On October 30 in London, Christopher Theofanidis won Masterprize 2003 for his orchestral composition Rainbow Body. Theofanidis, who received a Master of Music degree in piano from Eastman in 1992, now teaches at Peabody Conservatory and the Juilliard School. He accepted the award (equivalent to about $42,000) in…

Eastman Showcase – 2004

It Take Five to Tango December 2004 “There are three ways to deal with turning 40,” says pianist Jeffery Watson (MM ’88): “You can have an affair, buy a new car, or join a tango band.” Watson chose the third, and he’s very happy he joined the tango ensemble QuinTango in 2003. What leads a…

Eastman Showcase – 2005

Principal-ed Players December 2005 Many Eastman students dream of being first-chair players in a prominent orchestra. This year, the dream came true for quite a few, as several American orchestras — and in one case, an orchestra very far from America — hired recent Eastman graduates for first chair positions. They include: Erich Heckscher (BM…

Eastman Showcase – 2006

Home for the Holidays December 2006 “I consider this the best holiday CD project I have ever been involved in,” says Jeff Tyzik (BM ’73, MM ’77), who leads the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra in its latest CD, A Holiday Celebration. As the RPO’s Principal Pops Conductor and the veteran of two other holiday-music CDs, Tyzik…

Eastman Showcase – 2007

An Eastman Scholar in Italy November 2007 Professor Patrick Macey, scholar of Medieval and Renaissance music and chair of Eastman’s musicology department, recently traveled to Bologna, Italy, to take part in Il movimento domenicano al femminile: storia, figure, istituzioni – an international conference on women and spirituality in the early middle ages and early modern…

Eastman Showcase – 2008

First Prize at Choral Composition November 2008 Composition graduate student Steven Danyew won first prize at the 2008 Ithaca College Choral Composition Competition for his Goodnight, Goodnight. The competition is designed to encourage the creation and performance of new choral music. Winners received cash prizes and six high school choirs performed the top two compositions…