Student organization Eastman Americana, led by students Tahlia Cott and Caroline Samuels, is hosting a free event in ESM 902 on April 8th, 12pm-2pm. Ithaca College Associate Professor Nicholas Walker headlines the event on double bass, and his collaborators on a project called “Rockwood Ferry,” vocalist and multi-instrumentalist Tenzin Chopak, and violinist and vocalist…

My time at Eastman – A bird’s eye view

The following guest post was written by Anna Lenhert ’17.  Thanks Anna! ***** It is impossible to adequately cover five years of phenomenal opportunities and memories in one blog post, but here is my best “bird’s eye” reflection on my time here at Eastman. Though it may sound cliché, my time here has been everything I…

Unlocking the Secrets of Blue Notes

What makes a great singer in the tradition of jazz, rock, or blues? It is not only vocal quality and emotional expression, but the actual notes sung—and not just the usual notes on the piano keyboard. In the words of soul singer Marvin Gaye: “There’s got to be other notes some place, in some dimension,…

Nicholas Goluses and Samuel Adler Join Forces for a New Guitar Concerto

Composer and Eastman Professor Emeritus Samuel Adler By Dan Gross On Wednesday, April 5, guitarist Nicholas Goluses, the Co-Chair of Eastman’s Department of Strings, Harp, and Guitar, will perform Samuel Adler’s Concerto for Guitar and Orchestra with the Eastman Philharmonia Chamber Orchestra directed by Neil Varon. Adler is Professor Emeritus at Eastman, having taught here…

Eastman News Highlights April 3, 2017

Here are some select recent clippings showing the variety of hits/mentions identifying musicians and scholars as Eastman School of Music alumni, faculty or students. (Note: Some links may have expired.) Money cannot measure benefits of the arts to society (Democrat and Chronicle 03/29/2017) When President Lyndon B. Johnson first established the National Endowment for the…

Organ Recital Illustrates ‘The Power of Musick’

Organist Annette Richards will present works by both well-known and lesser-known 17th century composers, whose keyboard masterpieces explored music’s power to invent and imagine, as part of the Eastman School of Music’s “Third Thursday Concerts” on the Italian Baroque Organ at the Memorial Art Gallery. “The Power of Musick,” at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, April 20,…

From Kameron to Courtier: How an Eastman Opera Student Develops His Role in Massenet’s “Cendrillon”

By Kameron Ghanavati Massenet’s Cendrillon is coming together quickly here at Eastman. Stage assistants, costume designers, lighting designers, singers, the orchestra, and opera staff are hard at work preparing for the upcoming two-week marathon of technical rehearsals. The process, however, has been ongoing since rehearsals began in December. At that point, the creative process was…