Eastman News Highlights April 30, 2018

Here are some select clippings from the past week showing the variety of hits/mentions identifying musicians and scholars as Eastman School of Music alumni, faculty or students. Note: Some links may have expired.) Toronto Symphony Orchestra Appoints Matthew Loden As Chief Executive Officer (Broadway World 04/30/2018)  Mr. Loden has violin performance degrees from Oberlin Conservatory…

Eastman-Rochester Chorus, Eastman Chorale, and the Eastman School Symphony Orchestra Presents Mendelssohn’s Elijah

Mendelssohn’s majestic Elijah will be performed Friday, May 4, at 8 p.m. in Kodak Hall at Eastman Theatre with the combined talents of the Eastman-Rochester Chorus (ERC), Eastman Chorale, and the Eastman School Symphony Orchestra (ESSO). Conducted by William Weinert, Professor of Conducting and Ensembles at Eastman School of Music, the title role will be…

The Eastman Presents Series Features Che Malambo, part of the Barbara B. Smith World Music Series

The Eastman Presents Series brings Che Malambo, performing Tuesday, April 17 at 8 p.m., in Kodak Hall at Eastman Theatre. An Argentinian based company, Che Malambo excites audiences through precise footwork and rhythmic stomping, drumming of the bombos, and singing and whirling boleadoras (lassos with stones on the end). Presenting a thrilling, percussive dance and…

The Eastman Presents Series: Features Patti LuPone’s “Don’t Monkey with Broadway”

The Eastman Presents Series highlights Patti LuPone’s “Don’t Monkey with Broadway”, Sunday, April 29 at 8 p.m., in Kodak Hall at Eastman Theatre. This legendary Broadway singer will be joined by members of Rochester Gay Men’s Chorus for select numbers in this one-night-only performance. Singer and actress Patti LuPone’s storied career in Broadway and Hollywood…