Published on Oct 25th, 2021
1972: Marian McPartland teaching at Eastman
Forty-nine years ago this week, on October 29th, 1972,renowned jazz pianist Marian McPartland (1918-2013) was photographed while working with Eastman students in the classroom. By this time Ms. McPartland was easily one of the jazz world’s best-loved personalities and of its most sought-after performers. Her first visit to Eastman had been in March, 1971 while she was fulfilling an extended professional engagement at a Rochester venue. On that occasion Director Walter Hendl had invited her to Eastman for a visit that included a performance for Eastman students in Room 120 (today the Rayburn Wright Room) and also a gala dinner party hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Hendl. That visit had marked the beginning of what would be her longtime association with Eastman; once introduced to Rochester, Ms. McPartland would appear extensively in Rochester venues over the years, as well as maintaining from 1971 onwards a connection with Eastman that took the forms of performing, teaching, and patronage.
It was while Ms. McPartland was fulfilling a six-week engagement at a Rochester venue in the fall of 1972 that Professor Rayburn Wright invited her to teach piano improvisation at Eastman. The Louis Ouzer photographs displayed here capture the unified sense of purpose in the room while Ms. McPartland is at the keyboard, surrounded by the students in rapt attention. In one of the press articles, local writer Cliff Smith offered his favorable observations on her classroom activity at Eastman. In the other article, printed a few weeks earlier, Theodore Price described being in “a corner of heaven” while listening to Ms. McPartland and her colleagues. The venue where she was booked that fall, the Monticello Room at the Rowntowner Motor Inn in Henrietta, was a vibrant center for live music in Rochester in earlier decades. The Monticello Room is pictured (at lower right) on the postcard image displayed here, which was accessed here

When visiting Rochester in May, 2002, Ms. McPartland wrote, “Rochester is like my second home, and all because of the wonderful Eastman School; I have so many great memories of various performances, and of course, my friend Alec Wilder who introduced me to Eastman and the many fabulous people in it.” By those words she acknowledged Rochester’s Alec Wilder (1907-1980), with whom she enjoyed a long professional collaboration and personal friendship. Mr. Wilder—a native of Rochester and a student at Eastman in the 1920s (did not graduate)— admired Ms. McPartland’s artistry and wrote numerous solos for her; those compositions are considered some of his best work for keyboard. In particular, he wrote his “Jazz Waltz for a Friend” as a tribute to Ms. McPartland in 1974; it was subsequently published by Ambrose Music. The Sibley Music Library holds a manuscript copy of the song that Ms. McPartland gave to Sibley out of her personal collection. Among her innumerable performances of the “Jazz Waltz” was a special rendition that she gave at Eastman on February 13th, 1991 during a celebration of Alec Wilder that marked the dedication of the newly named Alec Wilder Reading Room in the Sibley Music Library. (The finding aid for the The Alec Wilder Archive at the Sibley Music Library is accessible here.)
Later in her life, Marian McPartland would be the recipient of a Grammy Award (2004), the Order of the British Empire (2010), and an honorary Doctor of Music degree from the University of Rochester (2007). After her death in 2013, the Sibley Music Library received her extensive collection of personal papers. The finding aid for the Marian McPartland Collection is accessible here
The Weekly Dozen
►October 30, 1935
►October 30, 1951 Third Annual Festival of Marches
►October 28, 1958 Collegium Musicum of University of Illinois
►October 26, 1965 Polish Millennium Concert
►October 27, 1966 Sally Benson played donated Guadagnini violin
►October 26, 1970 First Graduation Concert with Orchestra
►October 29, 1970 Hermann Pry
►October 25, 1974 Chorale
►October 7, 1976 Harry Sparnaay
►October 25, 1978 Extended Vocal Techniques Ensemble
►October 25, 1978 Van Daalan Organ Inauguration