Pride Month graphic

Eastman Proudly Celebrates Pride Month

The Eastman School of Music’s LGBTQ+ community proudly displays its colors for Pride Month. Meet some of Eastman’s LGBTQ+ faculty and staff and hear what they have to say about Pride Month, allyship, and community resources. And remember that Rochester celebrates Pride in July, adding an extra month to the national festivities. Meet members of Eastman’s…

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EMuSE graphic with Mikel Kuehn

Eastman Audio Research Studio Rebrands as Electroacoustic Music Studios @ Eastman (EMuSE) and Appoints New Director

The Eastman Audio Research Studio (EARS) emerged from the Eastman Computer Music Center, founded by Allan Schindler in 1981, as a platform for research, experimentation and realization of new music and sound art at the Eastman School of Music. Eastman is delighted to announce that composer Dr. Mikel Kuehn ’93E (MA), ’95E (PhD) has been appointed as…

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