
The Eastman/UR/Cornell/Buffalo Music Cognition Symposium is an informal gathering of people interested in music cognition. The symposium meets four times a year (twice in the fall and twice in the spring) on Saturday afternoons, usually at Eastman. The symposium receives funding from the University of Rochester’s Committee for Interdisciplinary Studies (UCIS).

Often, the symposium features invited guests—leading researchers in music cognition from around the United States and beyond. Symposia may also feature presentations of ongoing work by members of the community, and discussions of readings and topics in music cognition. Recent topics have included performance expression, probabilistic modeling, melodic expectation, and music-language connections.

Symposia are open to the public, and all are welcome. To be added to the symposium’s e-mail mailing list, contact David Temperley (dtemperley@esm.rochester.edu).

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Steering Committee

  • University of Rochester: Elizabeth West Marvin and David Temperley (Eastman), Anne Luebke (Biomedical Engineering), Elise Piazza (Brain & Cognitive Sciences), Sam Norman-Haignere (Biostatistics & Computational Biology)
  • Cornell University: Carol Krumhansl
  • University at Buffalo: Peter Pfordresher

Visiting speakers to the music cognition symposium from past years

Gavin Bidelman
Jenine Brown
Steven Brown
Michael Casey
Roger Chaffin
Andrew Chang
Elaine Chew
Sarah Creel
Roger Dannenberg
Steven Demorest
Simone Dalla Bella
Mary Farbood
Sid Fels
Jessica Graun
Peter Gregersen
Reyna Gordon
Andrea Halpern
Erin Hannon
David Huron
Sean Hutchins
Petr Janata
Steve Larson
Ed LargeFred Lerdahl
Dan Levitin
Charles Limb
Justin London
Psyche Loui
Elizabeth Margulis
Steve McAdams
Devin McAuley
Josh McDermott
Laura McPherson
Ken’ichi Miyazaki
Rosemary Mountain
Eugene Narmour
Jean-Jacques Nattiez
Andrew Oxenham
Caroline Palmer
Bryan Pardo
Ani Patel
Isabelle Peretz
Dirk-Jan Povel
Bruno Repp
Jean-Claude Risset
Frank Russo
Gottfried Schlaug
Mark Schmuckler
Xavier Serra
Barbara Shinn-Cunningham
John Sloboda
Daphne Tan
Michael Thaut
Barbara Tillman
Laurel Trainor
Sandra Trehub
Stephen Van Hedger
Dominique Vuvan
Christopher White
Victoria Williamson
Robert Zatorre

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