Composition students have a large array of performance venues for presenting their works to the musical public. Usually three composer forum concerts (each lasting one or one and a half hours) are presented each term devoted to the performance of student works. A number of readings and performances of new student works by the Eastman Symphony and Philharmonia orchestras, the Eastman Choral, and the Eastman Wind Ensemble are mounted each year. Special ad hoc concerts, some of which are funded internally, are presented from time to time initiated by proposals from student organizations and groups such as Ossia and the annual Composer’s Sinfonietta, both strongly supported by the School and managed by students. On occasion, ensembles such as Musica Nova also perform works by students. In addition, many performance majors and faculty “commission” composition students to write works for their instruments or ensembles. Finally, the Eastman Audio Research Studio [EARS] sponsors special concerts of student works, with or without performers, at Eastman or at other venues in the city.