FEO 2024 collage

Friends of Eastman Opera Competition Finalists

Eastman’s Voice, Opera & Vocal Coaching (VOVC) Department values its relationship with a local organization known as Friends of Eastman Opera (FEO). For more than a decade, this group of vibrant opera connoisseurs has lent its support to Eastman Opera Theatre in a variety of ways, including the sponsorship of an annual vocal competition, giving…


Guest Artists at Eastman: January-February 2024

We are excited to welcome a wide-ranging group of guest artists and lecturers to the Eastman campus as we kick off our spring semester! Keep reading for information about each event and visit esm.rochester.edu/events for further details. Any Eastman Presents series artist who is offering a free masterclass will be included in this list, but…


2023 at Eastman: A Year in Photographs

Hard to believe that 2023 has come to a close! As we reflect on a year of incredible music-making, inspiring educators, the loss of a few Eastman giants, and the resilience of our community amidst a turbulent world, our photographers are sharing their “behind-the-lens” perspectives on campus activities. Featured here are photographs and comments by Lauren…