
Eastman is committed to fostering a welcoming, encouraging, and empowering environment where students with disabilities can thrive in their studies. The Office of Disability Resources works with students to identify barriers and establish reasonable accommodations in order to ensure students with disabilities have equal access and equal opportunity to fully participate in the University experience. Students who would like to request accommodations, register as a student with a disability, or learn more about available resources are encouraged to submit an application on the Disability Resources website or contact the office at (585) 276-5075 or disability@rochester.edu.

The Office of Academic Affairs works closely with the University of Rochester Disability Compliance Director to make arrangements for reasonable academic accommodations in educational settings for students with disabilities. Using an interactive process involving the student, faculty, and staff, we implement individualized accommodations while maintaining anonymity and promoting opportunities for self-advocacy.

Students with disabilities have the responsibility of contacting the Office of Disability Resources as soon as possible after they have filed their intent to enroll.

A list of Access Coordinators can be found on the University’s Disability Services and Support page.

It is a personal decision to disclose the existence of a disability and to request an accommodation – a decision not to disclose will be respected. While we cannot make retroactive accommodations (for example, allowing a student to repeat a test with new accommodation), we encourage you to begin the documentation process at any time during the semester.

For students currently registered with Office of Disability Resources, log in to the DR Student Portal to request faculty notification letters and to schedule exams.

To begin the accommodations process, register with the Office of Disability Resources by completing the application form.

Application Form