Wellness at Eastman is a new, monthly seminar series from Eastman Performing Arts Medicine (EPAM) featuring artists and clinicians speaking to physical and mental wellness for performing artists.

Inspired by the Healthy Conservatoires movement in Europe, topics will include: the benefits of warming up and cooling down; peak performance on stage, nutrition’s effect on performing; incorporating mindfulness in your everyday music practice; mental health in music schools; and caring for your voice.

Wellness at Eastman opens with URMC audiologist Dr. Brendan Fitzgerald (pictured) presenting about hearing health on Wednesday, September 8 at 6 p.m.

Classical musicians are prone to more “noise” exposure than rock performers, yet frequently use less hearing protection on stage. Dr. Fitzgerald will share best practices to preserve the hearing you have and how to know when you are reaching your “noise load” for the day and need acoustic rest.

Looking ahead, there will be a special alumni panel on November 3 with Eastman alums who are breaking new ground in the arts in health field, something Eastman Performing Arts Medicine has been a part of for three years now. Panelists will include Todd Frazier (ESM ’92), Missy Fogarty (ESM ’91), Tracy Cowden (ESM ’00 DMA), and Gaelen McCormick (ESM ’92).

Wellness at Eastman will be held monthly in Howard Hanson Hall (on the fourth floor of the Eastman School of Music main building) and on zoom. To register for the zoom link, click here.


For more information, or to request accommodations, contact EPAM Program Manager Gaelen McCormick at gmccormick@esm.rochester.edu or (585) 274-1233.