The “Eastman at St. Michael’s” series opens its 2013-2014 season with an hour-long concert featuring soprano Yunjin Kim and pianist Evelyn Lam. On Sunday, Sept. 22, at 2:30 p.m., the two performers will present works by Mozart, Messiaen, Liszt, Beach, Rachmaninov, and Villa-Lobos in the visually and acoustically stunning St. Michael’s Church. Kim is a recent graduate of the Eastman School of Music and regular member of the St. Michael’s Singers. Her performance line-up this year includes an appearance at Carnegie Hall.

“Eastman at St. Michael’s” concerts occur on the fourth Sunday of each month at 2:30 pm at the historic St. Michael’s Roman Catholic Church, highlighting vocal and instrumental students from the Eastman School of Music. All concerts are free and open to the public, and donations can be directed to the church. A reception and the 4 p.m. Mass, with special music by the concert performers, follow each recital.

This season’s artist lineup covers a range of performances, from harpists to vocalists to a wind quintet. Concerts featuring organists will use the two organs housed in the church, the 1972 Brombaugh Organ and the 1903 Steere Organ.

The 2013-2014 recital schedule also includes:

  • Oct. 27: Azzimato Winds: Joe Clark, clarinet; Turi Scilipoti, flute; Carly Gordon, oboe; Michael Elderkin, bassoon; and Hannah Swayze, horn
  • Nov. 24: Ales Trygstad, viola with Nathan Davy, organ
  • Dec. 22: Director Annie Laver leading the St. Michael’s Singers, resident professional choir of Eastman students and alumni
  • Jan. 26, 2014: Choral ensemble, Voices, under the direction of William Weinert
  • Feb 23, 2014: Senior harp students from the studio of Kathleen Bride
  • March 23, 2014: Pianist Sun Min Kim
  • April 27, 2014: The Friends of Eastman Opera Competition Winners
  • May 25, 2014: Organist Keith Reas, alumnus of the Eastman School

In January 2009, the “Eastman at St. Michael’s” recital series began as a collaboration between the Eastman School and St. Michael’s Roman Catholic Church. St. Michael’s, located in Rochester on 860 North Clinton Ave., is an 1888 Gothic Revival church designed by prominent Chicago architect Adolphus Druiding.


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