Renowned Rochester musician Mitzie Collins, a member of the faculty of the Eastman Community Music School, has been named the recipient of the 2007 Artist Award for Music by the Arts and Cultural Council for Greater Rochester.

A performer of Celtic and traditional American folk music, Collins is known nationally and internationally as a virtuoso player of the hammered dulcimer. She has traveled widely through Asia and Europe, appearing at numerous festivals and concerts, conducting workshops, and speaking at musical and educational conferences. Locally, Collins was a founder of the Golden Link Folksinging Society and teaches hammered dulcimer through the Eastman Community Music School, where she also produces the annual summer concert of world music. For 10 years, she hosted the children’s radio show Sounds Like Fun on public radio station WXXI FM. She is the founder of her own recording label, Sampler Records Ltd.

Collins received her Bachelor of Music degree and her Master of Arts degree in music education at Eastman.

The Arts and Cultural Council’s 2007 Arts Awards for significant contributions to the greater Rochester cultural community will be presented at the organization’s annual luncheon on Thursday, Oct. 25. Four individuals and three organizations are being honored.

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