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Kim Kowalke

Kim H. Kowalke

Professor Emeritus of Musicology



BA (summa cum laude), Macalester College; MA, MPhil, PhD, Yale. Winner of Theron Rockwell Field Prize for dissertation Kurt Weill in Europe, 1900-35: A Study of His Music and Writings. Member of Phi Beta Kappa. Recipient, Woodrow Wilson Fellowship, Martha Baird Rockefeller Grant, Whiting Prize Dissertation Fellowship, Mellon Foundation Grant, ACLS Research Grant, Graves Award, and other prizes and awards. President, Board of Trustees, Kurt Weill Foundation for Music (1981-). Founding member of the Editorial Board, Kurt Weill Edition. Author, Kurt Weill in Europe, numerous articles, reviews, and liner notes on 19th- and 20th-century music, opera, and musical theater, including, especially, Hindemith, Orff, and Sondheim. Editor, A New Orpheus: Essays on Kurt Weill, A Stranger Here Myself: Kurt Weill Studies, Speak Low: The Weill-Lenya Correspondence. Five-time winner of ASCAP’s Deems Taylor Award, two-time winner of Irving Lowens Award for Best Article on American Music; Theatre Library Association’s George Freedley Award. Co-author of two documentary films for the BBC and Hessische Rundfunk (Frankfurt A.M.). Member, Sonneck Society (Lowens Prize Committee, 1997), American Musicological Society National Council (1985-88), Program Committee (1986), AMS 50 Fellowship Committee (1993-); College Music Society; International Brecht Society. Conductor, Eastman Opera Theatre Street Scene (1991), There Once Was a Girl Named Jenny (1995), “Tribute to George Abbott” (1997). Collegiate Symphony Orchestra and Occidental Faculty Players (1977-83). Faculty member, Occidental College (1978-86), Eastman and The College (1986-).