March 19, 2020

Dear Eastman Faculty,

We want to recognize & thank all our employees for their extraordinary efforts as we work through many challenges during these unprecedented circumstances.

In addition to Dean Rossi’s March 17 email to faculty and staff, we’re providing some Eastman-specific information below, as many of you will be working remotely and you may find this information, and the embedded links below, useful to your new working circumstances.

Direct Deposit

Employees are strongly encouraged to set up direct deposit for their paycheck, if not already arranged.  A PDF form is attached which can be completed and returned to University Payroll or can set up direct deposit in HRMS by following these instructions:

Payroll-related Questions

The Eastman Human Resource department can continue to assist you with payroll-related questions.  While we are working remotely during this time, the best way to reach us is at


Employees can contact the ESM Welcome Center at by March 23, 2020, if they wish to suspend their parking that is set up through the East End Garage effective April 1, 2020. As this is a city-owned garage, we can only suspend parking for the full month (starting in April) and are only be able to reinstate parking the first of each month thereafter (i.e.: May 1, 2020). Partial-month enrollment is not permitted, according to the city.

Remote Connectivity

Employees are encouraged to utilize all remote connectivity resources. Please refer to the guidance provided by ESM’s Computing Services Team for connecting remotely to your computer desktop.

We anticipate more information forthcoming from the University soon, and we will continue to share information, guidelines and suggestions as they relate to Eastman.

Please know that we appreciate all of your efforts and flexibility, including disruptions and deviation in your in day-to-day activity and work processes. Feel free to reach out with any questions to

Elaine Tennity
Eastman Human Resource and Administrative Operations Director

Jennifer E. Horn
Eastman Executive Director for Finance and Administration