Take a Friend to the Orchestra Week!

A little background from the Adaptistration blog:

Take A Friend To The Orchestra, or TAFTO, is an annual event at Adaptistration every April where more than a dozen critics, bloggers, musicians, classical music enthusiasts, and administrators writing about how average patrons throughout the country can invite friends who don’t regularly participate in live music events to a performance in your area. Essentially, TAFTO is an opportunity for the people who care the most about classical music to participate in a proactive way.

You can read (and watch) many interesting stories of folks that introduced a friend or friends to the symphony and how it turned out.  Here are a couple of 2013 TAFTO blog contributions that Thomas Cott compiled in his “You’ve Cott Mail” email listserv today:

Six Fail-Safe Ways to Get Your Concert On

TAFTO 2013 Contribution: Scott Silberstein


About the author

Stephen Danyew
Stephen Danyew

Steve Danyew is a composer, saxophonist, teacher, and arts administrator based in Rochester, NY. Danyew composes works for chamber ensembles, large instrumental ensembles, choirs and more, and currently serves as Managing Editor of Polyphonic.org. His music has been hailed as “startlingly beautiful” and “undeniably well crafted and communicative” by the Miami Herald, and has been praised as possessing “sensitivity, skill and tremendous sophistication” by the Kansas City Independent. Steve received a B.M. cum laude, Pi Kappa Lambda from the Frost School of Music at the University of Miami and holds an M.M. in Composition and Certificate in Arts Leadership from the Eastman School of Music.