Entrepreneurs in Music — and Don’t Forget about Mozart!

Yvonne: I’ve seen your publications, Chuck, and I think what you’ve done is a great example of seeing what needs to be done and then doing it. I know you exhibit your publications several times a year…can you talk about that a little bit? Readers might not think of that aspect.

Chuck: Just responding to Yvonne’s question about exhibiting publications.

A few times a year, I attend music conventions like the International Trumpet Guild Conference. It’s enjoyable to attend these conferences as you visit with friends, teachers and colleagues you don’t often see, plus attend inspirational concerts and master classes. It’s a great opportunity for exhibitors to make available their products in person. This is a time I enjoy as I get to chat with musicians, put faces with names and have opportunity to make recommendations or learn what they might be looking for musically. It’s a great opportunity for growing, refining and networking while making your products available. Interest multiplies by word of mouth from those who attend the conference after they return home. So exhibiting is a great way to get what you have to offer out to the music community.

About the author

Chuck Seipp
Chuck Seipp

Chuck Seipp has performed extensively throughout the United States and abroad as a member of The United States Army Band, “Pershing’s Own.” Currently Assistant Brass Group Leader of the Concert Band, Sergeant Major Seipp has performed with the Army Band since 1980, and has participated in global events and many official Washington area functions. He most recently toured and recorded solo trumpet and organ repertoire throughout Europe with world-renowned organist Diane Bish - appearing also on her Joy of Music television series with The U.S. Army Quintet.

Through CJ Seipp Music Publications, he markets his own brass arrangements, some of which have been played and recorded by the Canadian Brass Quintet and The U.S. Army Brass Quintet. Chuck’s recording of his published Wedding Book has been a valuable resource for organists and trumpet players.

Chuck Seipp is an active teacher and performer in the Washington DC area, where he has appeared with the National Symphony Orchestra, the Washington Opera House Orchestra, Washington Bach Consort, and as leader of the Commonwealth Brass Quintet. He holds both Masters and Doctoral degrees from The Catholic University of America.

Contact Chuck Seipp at: chuckseipp@aol.com

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