Required Excerpts for the OSD Audition

These excerpts are provided to you as a courtesy to aid in the preparation of your Eastman Orchestral Studies Audition. Performance of them will weigh heavily in determining if you are accepted to the program. Please give them good attention and preparation. They are VERY IMPORTANT!

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Warning Concerning Copyright Restrictions

By downloading these excerpts, you are authorized and you agree to use them solely for personal purposes of preparing for your Eastman School of Music (ESM) audition, and not for any other purpose whatsoever, including profit or any commercial or public purpose. You agree not to copy, publish, distribute, perform, adapt or display these excerpts without the copyright owners' written permission, unless such acts constitute fair use under Section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976 (Title 17, US Code). You further agree to indemnify the Eastman School of Music, its employees and agents, from and against any claims, loss or damage, including legal fees, resulting from your unauthorized use of this reproduction.