Summer Scenes from the Institute for Music Leadership – A Photo Essay

Jim Doser, Director of the IML & Editor-in-Chief, Always a busy family life! Pictured here from L – R: Chris, a recent graduate of Eastman (saxophone performance, music education and applied math from the U of R) who will be beginning his career teaching in the Brighton School District in September; Rebecca, a senior at St. Lawrence University majoring in English and Communications, just finishing two internships at the Library of Congress and Ketchum PR; Jeff, entering his second year of bio-chemistry study at SUNY @ Geneseo; Betsy, a teacher by profession and chief administrator of our clan; and Tom, another graduate of Eastman and UR (bassoon performance and history), now a Phd student in American History at the University of Houston.

Leslie Scatterday, Arts Leadership Program Assistant Director, IML: Leslie recently spent a few days at Tanglewood listening to the Boston Symphony Orchestra, hearing YoYo Ma live for the first time and watching rehearsals of and getting to meet BSO’s new music director, Andris Nelsons. A truly inspiring time before heading back to Eastman and putting the final touches on ALP curriculum, intern and recruitment projects slated for the next academic year.

Ann Drinan, Senior Editor for on stage at the Hartford Symphony’s Talcott Mountain Music Festival.

Robert Levine, Senior Editor, Doing what I try to do whenever possible during the summer. My orchestra doesn’t work in the summer. I’ve found over the years that taking much of the summer away from both music and the instrument works for me. Perhaps part of my relative freedom from work-related injury is due to that. I’m certain that I enjoy coming back to work in September in large part because it seems fresh again.

Lisa Nickels, Summer Office Assistant, ALP: Putting up the ALP recruitment board outside of Sibley for fall 2015. Lisa and Blaire have been listening to Disney music on Pandora all summer, so Lisa was inspired to choose “Be Prepared” as the board’s theme!

Michael Reed, Assistant Director, Center for Music Innovation and Engagement: When he’s not in the office, Mike can be seen gigging with his road crew.

Blaire Koerner, eTheory LIVE Developer and Course Facilitator. In addition to presenting free webinars, Blaire is honing her acting and voice-over skills while working on a series of informational and promotional video’s.

Kristijan Bogdanovski, Assistant Program Coordinator, IML: When not working on projects at the Institute for Music Leadership, Kristijan, a bassoonist, enjoys making reeds!

Linda Altpeter, Administrative Assistant, ALP Curriculum Coordinator, IML: Linda keeps everyone organized! When she is not working Linda loves decorating her home, caring for her garden, especially the dahlias and caring for the people around her.

Steve Danyew, Managing Editor, Getting some work done in between packing boxes! Steve and his wife just purchased a home and are in the midst of moving!
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